Once upon a time, in a small village nestled deep in the woods, Lived a curious girl named Luna, who loved to explore new nooks. One day, while playing in her backyard, she saw a flash of light, And followed it deep into the woods, with all her might.
As she walked deeper and deeper, the trees grew thick and tall, And the shadows grew longer, as the sunlight started to fall. But Luna was determined to find the source of the light, And soon enough, she stumbled upon an amazing sight.
There, hidden behind a bush, was a secret entrance to a magical place, A forest unlike any other, filled with wonder and grace. Luna's eyes widened with excitement, and her heart skipped a beat, As she stepped into the forest, and felt the magic at her feet.
The trees sparkled with fairy lights, and the flowers danced with joy, As Luna wandered deeper into the forest, like a brave little girl and not a toy. She knew that she had discovered something special, something grand, And vowed to explore every inch of the secret forest, hand in hand.
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